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The Daily

October 7, 2008

Highlighted Resources

Which Is the Most Successful Network in History?
A thread in the Moodle discussion poses the question, "which is the most successful network in history?" It's an interesting question - but it raises the question, what counts as "successful"? Do ypou want a network where memes spread rapidly? What if the meme is a fatal idea, or a fatal diseases? One of the suggestions offered in this course is that an 'effective' network will offer checks and balances, so that the spread of ideas or memes (or diseases) can be constrained if it is harmful Sui Fai John Mak, CCK08 Moodle Forum, October 7, 2008 [Link] [Tags: none] [Comment]

CCK08: A Unifying Theory of Learning
An interesting thought on the role connectivism plays: "With so many theories struggling to hold the attention of classroom teachers, I see connectivism as a unifying lens through which to observe the process of learning. Rather than being a new theory or previously unknown phenomenon, connectivism identifies the mechanism by which information moves within any learning system." The breadth of perceptions of learning networks - see week 4 readings and discussions - makes it quite unlikely that two people talking about "learning networks" actually refer to the same thing. Connectivism has a similar breadth of meaning. Discussions in this course have ranged from seeing learning as occurring based on how we are related to others to involved considerations of what "mind" means. Rodd's emphasis on connectivism as a mechanism for identifying how information moves within a network is an important point. I (as in George) would like to see a broader view - one that seeks to address how learning actually occurs. How information flows is important to understand. As is the many ways in which connections form. I'm specifically seeking to detail how it is that connections become learning (or, how learning is an emergent property arising from particular networked states). Rodd Lucier, , October 6, 2008 [Link] [Tags: none] [Comment]

Outstanding Questions
Jorgen shares his experience with connectivism: "My understanding of teaching, my learning experience and my pedagogical basis aligns very well with connectivism. I know that knowledge isn't in a repository. I've grown that knowledge. Understanding the dynamics of network help me cope with why students react on the group oriented teaching, why it's so difficult for me to create relations in a 'virtual' world. I have experienced, that technology multiplies my ability to connect with people and concepts to enhance learning." One of the most frequent comments I hear from people when they first encounter connectivism is how well it reflects their own experience. People who have spent time online, forming relationships with educators from around the world, express an almost intuitive awareness of the value of networked learning. Jorgen C., , October 6, 2008 [Link] [Tags: none] [Comment]


Here's what course members from around the world had to say. Want to join the conversation? Login and submit your feed. Then put this at the beginning of your post: CCK08

Mixing novices and experts? October 7, 2008
CCK08: A Unifying Theory of Learning October 6, 2008
Week 4: Concept Map October 6, 2008
CCK08 short paper, collectivism, what is it, where is it and can i get some? October 6, 2008
Outstanding outstanding questions, assign# 1 October 6, 2008
Getting Down to IT... October 6, 2008
CCK08 - Networks and Groups October 6, 2008
My First Paper October 6, 2008
CCK08 - Learning formations October 6, 2008

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