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The Daily

September 26, 2008

Live Session for Friday

Quick reminder: we are meeting at 11:00 am CST (time zone conversion). We'll be meeting in ustream here.

Highlighted Resources

Concept Map (.Ppt)
Romi Ranckin posted a link to this PowerPoint on concept maps. Concept maps are more nuanced than simply connecting one idea to another. Maps reveal depth of understanding and conceptual frameworks, offering educators an opportunity to see how learners connect key concepts of a discipline. This presentation provides a glimpse into more complex mapping approaches. Ian Kinchin, , September 25, 2008 [Link] [Tags: none] [Comment]

Networks of Dead People
Last week during our Friday discussion, Lisa brought up the concept of "networks of dead people". These are networks that include thinkers of the past - Wittgenstein, Plato, Einstein, Currie, and others. Ideas build on ideas of the past. Very few (if any) concepts arise in a vacuum. We can learn much by engaging with these networks of dead people (hmm, I think we need a different name - this one sounds too, I don't know, morbid?). As Lisa notes, "Contrary to the Pirates of the Caribbean mentality, dead men do tell tales. When I told a colleague, "what they said was: dead people don't answer email", his response was, "no, but they do answer questions"." Lisa Lane, , September 25, 2008 [Link] [Tags: none] [Comment]

Random Musings On Educational Pragmatism and Networks
Here's the distinction between engineered vs. grown networks: "Krebs showed at least one slide where the hierarchical network created by the org chart was superimposed on the network of actual member interactions. Traditional education sort of walls those two networks off from one another...If connectivism is truly going to change anything, you have to tackle this question of what it means for educational locus of control." Our discussion to date has been looking at learner networks. Educators (obviously) are part of that network. How educators connect to each other is important in forming support structures. This may explain the rapid growth of interest in blogging by educators. The support we often lack in our institutions can be found in online networks with colleagues from around the world. Jason Green, , September 25, 2008 [Link] [Tags: none] [Comment]

CCK08 Drop Out
We have a large group signed up in this course with varying levels of participation. Which is just fine. Some are quite actively engaged in the forums, blogs, and other avenues of interaction. Others are on the periphery dipping into the content when they have time (or, in some cases, observing the course with the same curious interest that observers watch car crashes!). Claire has decided she's a CCK08 dropout: "I've just not been able to keep up even my week 1 level of participation. I think I have to face facts; I'm a CCK08 drop-out. But I'm ok with being a drop-out." And, I agree. It's perfectly acceptable to change commitments when life, priorities, or interests change. I'd like to hear from others. Are you still involved (either actively or as an observer)? Are you "coping"? Claire Thompson, , September 25, 2008 [Link] [Tags: none] [Comment]


Here's what course members from around the world had to say. Want to join the conversation? Login and submit your feed. Then put this at the beginning of your post: CCK08

These are posts from the last 24 hours.

Lisa’s week 2 CMap September 26, 2008
Connecti-Vision™: an epistemology for the digital age September 25, 2008
NoT™ (v1.0): Nodality Theory: An ontology for all ages September 25, 2008
Thoughts on Networks - CCK08 Week3 September 25, 2008
CCK08 Cmaps vs. Mindmaps September 25, 2008
CCK08 G. Siemens conference's notes September 25, 2008
CCK08 - Very asynchronous networks September 25, 2008
CCK08 - More thoughts - pragmatism v. idealism September 25, 2008
Totality of Nodality September 25, 2008
Diss-Connectivism September 25, 2008
CCK08 - Random Musings on Educational Pragmatism and Networks September 25, 2008
Virtual worlds for learning September 25, 2008
CCK08: Asking for help on network analysis of a blogroom September 25, 2008
Connectivism, Relationships and Balance September 25, 2008

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